


_ Common
Questions /

_ Common
Questions /

_ About Us /

_ About Us /​

Posso abrir uma conta no FitBank?

Não. Somos uma instituição de pagamentos que atua apenas no mercado B2B, isto é, nossas soluções são focadas para empresas e para os clientes destas empresas. Portanto, não oferecemos serviços de abertura de conta e cartões de crédito diretamente para clientes Pessoa Física ou Jurídica, como um banco.

No. We are a technology company focused on infrastructure solutions for payment methods and core banking regulated by Law 12,865 – Article 6. of October 9, 2013 – Law on Arrangements and Payment Institutions, under the prepaid payment arrangement not part of the SBP (Sistema Brasileiro de Pagamentos). We are intermediaries of payment methods and offer the same banking services offered by banks that operate in the Brazilian market in an indirect and personalized way.

Click here ( and better understand the guidelines of a Payment Institution.

No. We are a payment institution that only operates in the B2B market, that is, our solutions are focused on companies and their customers. Therefore, we do not offer account opening and credit card services directly to Individual or Corporate customers, such as a bank.

We work 24/7. However, for each payment method, we follow the bank settlement flow in accordance with the operating hours established by the market. Our customer service works on weekdays, from 9 am to 6 pm and follows the bank holiday calendar for the city of São Paulo. If you have any questions during a recess period, you can send an email to:, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Our customers can use our solutions by performing direct integrations via our APIs or using our White Label interfaces.

O FitBank é confiável?

Nós atuamos no mercado desde 2015 e tem como fundadores, sócios e executivos com larga experiência no mercado de meios de pagamento, bancário e financeiro.

Além disso, no decorrer da nossa trajetória, passamos a contar com acionistas extremamente renomados como o banco JP Morgan (o maior banco privado do mundo) e a CSU Card System (CARD3) – líder no mercado brasileiro em soluções tecnológicas para meios de pagamento, customer experience, fidelização e incentivo.

Seguimos todas as normativas do Banco Central e legislações vigentes que regulamentam Instituições de Pagamentos não integrante ao SBP (Lei nº 12.865/2013 – art. 6º e Circular nº 3.682/2013 – art. 2º) e somos líder no Brasil na solução Banking as a Service (BaaS) com destaque para o serviço de “Pagamento de contas” no qual somos o único player com 100% de abrangência no país.

Também adotamos a contabilidade COSIF que separa os recursos de nossos clientes dos recursos do FitBank, assim como um banco tradicional.

Saiba mais sobre nós em:

Conheça nossos Códigos de Ética e Conduta em:

We have been operating in the market since 2015 and have as founders, partners and executives with extensive experience in the payment, banking and finance market. In addition, throughout our trajectory, we have come to rely on extremely renowned shareholders such as JP Morgan bank (the largest private bank in the world) and CSU Card System (CARD3) – leader in the Brazilian market in technological solutions for means of payment, customer experience, loyalty and encouragement. We follow all the regulations of the Central Bank and current legislation that regulate Payment Institutions that are not part of the SBP (Law nº 12,865/2013 – art. 6 and Circular nº 3.682/2013 – art. 2) and we are the leader in Brazil in the Banking as a solution Service (BaaS) with emphasis on the “Bill Payment” service, in which we are the only player with 100% coverage in the country.

We also adopt COSIF accounting that separates our clients’ resources from FitBank’s resources, just like a traditional bank. Learn more about us at: Learn about our Codes of Ethics and Conduct at: .

Yes. We deliver a complete payment gateway platform that caters to businesses across multiple industries and industries. Our products and solutions were developed and are adaptable to any type and size of business according to the needs of your company and your customers.

Check our Terms of Service for more details: 

FitBank is an intermediary for payment transactions, which means that we are only responsible for processing these payments.

If you have received a credit or charge (bank slip, etc.) in the name of FitBank, and would like further clarification, please get in touch with

FitBank’s business model is priced in three ways:

– Setup and integration – implementation cost that can vary according to the contracted solution and complexity.

– Monthly fee – monthly amount for using the platform.

– Cost per transaction – as it is an ‘As A Service’ platform, FitBank charges according to the consumption of transactions.

_ PIX /

Quando o Pix será lançado?

A previsão de lançamento do PIX dada pelo BACEN ao público é para o mês de Novembro de 2020.

A previsão de lançamento do PIX dada pelo BACEN ao público é para o mês de Novembro de 2020.

Esperamos para o segundo semestre/2020 a conclusão do pleito de autorização no BCB e consequentemente da homologação do PIX e SPB.

Os modelos comerciais ainda estão sendo definidos e serão disponibilizados em breve.

O FitBank estará presente no Pix?

O FitBank está em processo bem adiantado de autorização no BCB para integração ao SPB e consequentemente ao SPI e PIX. Solicitamos a participação na modalidade Direta.

O FitBank está em processo bem adiantado de autorização no BCB para integração ao SPB e consequentemente ao SPI e PIX. Solicitamos a participação na modalidade Direta.

Os modelos de precificação ainda estão sendo definidos e serão disponibilizados em breve.

Ser um Participante Direto do PIX demanda do participante atenção a todos os trâmites regulatórios e autorização do BCB para integrar o SPB e agora o SPI. No modelo Indireto, o participante Direto se torna responsável por avaliar os controles e questões regulatórias e se responsabilizar solidariamente pelas transações do Participante Indireto. Não existem diferenças de benefícios funcionais para cada tipo de participação.

_ Integration with ERP /

_ Integration with ERP /

What is an ERP?

ERPs are Business Management Systems that allow companies to manage all areas in an integrated manner and on a single platform.

One of the biggest difficulties for those using ERPs is when interaction with the banking environment is necessary.

ERPs are Business Management Systems that allow companies to manage all areas in an integrated manner and on a single platform.

One of the biggest difficulties for those using ERPs is when interaction with the banking environment is necessary.

Integration with FitBank solutions complements the offer of modules to improve your ERP processes with the associated banking module. The benefits of this integration are:

– New revenue lines;

– Customer loyalty;

– Greater range of products;

– Branding;

– Generation of financial behavior data.

Sou um ERP. Como o FitBank pode me ajudar?

Nós colocamos o seu ERP no futuro da automação financeira. 

Com as soluções e serviços que oferecemos você terá um sistema completo, integrando recursos de Banking as a Service que facilitam pagamentos e a conciliação bancária dos clientes, tudo em um mesmo ambiente. 

Desta forma é possível eliminar todas as atividades manuais na operação com os bancos proporcionando uma melhor experiência da sua tesouraria, reduzindo consideravelmente o trabalho de conciliação do seu Contas a Pagar e Contas a Receber.

We put your ERP in the future of financial automation.

With the solutions and services we offer, you will have a complete system, integrating Banking as a Service resources that facilitate payments and bank reconciliation for customers, all in the same environment.

In this way, it is possible to eliminate all manual activities in the operation with banks, providing a better experience for your treasury, considerably reducing the work of reconciling your Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.

Get in touch with our commercial team through our chatbot, or by email: and get more information about our solutions.

_Digital Wallets and E-Wallets /

_Digital Wallets and E-Wallets /

Como faço para abrir minha conta no FitBank?

Somos uma instituição de pagamentos que atua apenas no mercado B2B, isto é, nossas soluções são focadas para empresas e para os clientes destas empresas. Portanto, não oferecemos serviços de abertura de conta e cartões de crédito diretamente para clientes Pessoa Física ou Jurídica, como um banco. 

We are a payment institution that only operates in the B2B market, that is, our solutions are focused on companies and their customers. Therefore, we do not offer account opening and credit card services directly to Individual or Corporate customers, such as a bank.

No. Payment accounts can be opened for individuals or legal entities.

Como funciona o sistema de contas do FitBank?

O cliente pode contratar de duas maneiras:

1 – BaaS (Banking as a Service): neste modelo comercial somos responsáveis em fornecer toda infraestrutura tecnológica e regulatória. As soluções de Banking as a Service fornecem um sistema de contas e plataforma completa de pagamentos. Adicionalmente é possível contratar o aplicativo e internet banking White Label para oferecer aos seus clientes. 

Essa solução atende ao mercado em geral.

2 – CBaaS (Core Banking as a Service): neste modelo entregamos toda infraestrutura tecnológica integrada ao regulatório de cada cliente. 

O CBaaS é destinado a empresas do mercado financeiro, instituições de pagamento, administradoras imobiliárias, etc.

The customer can contract in two ways:

1 – BaaS (Banking as a Service): in this business model, we are responsible for providing all technological and regulatory infrastructure. Banking as a Service solutions provide a complete account system and payment platform. Additionally, it is possible to hire the White Label application and internet banking to offer its customers.

This solution serves the general market.

2 – CBaaS (Core Banking as a Service): in this model, we deliver all technological infrastructure integrated to the regulatory framework of each client. CBaaS is intended for companies in the financial market, payment institutions, real estate administrators, etc.

We currently have two ways to credit resources within your digital account:

– Via TED – in this scenario, the TED must be carried out from an account with the same ownership, that is, it is not possible to receive it via TED from third parties;

– Via bank slip – in this scenario, the account holder issues the slip and makes the payment, so the amount will be credited to the digital account.

_ FitBank Prepaid Cards /

_ FitBank Prepaid Cards /

O FitBank emite cartões pré-pagos na função crédito?

O cartão Pré-Pago tem o conceito “compre já, pague já”, ou seja, você recarrega e depois utiliza o valor. A principal diferença entre o cartão Pré-Pago Débito e Pré-Pago Crédito é a informação da função nos terminais (maquininha) no momento de efetuar o pagamento de uma compra, ou seja, no momento do pagamento o detentor do cartão deverá informar que o cartão é débito ou crédito dependendo da função que o cartão possuir.


Observação: o cartão Pré-Pago de crédito não realiza parcelamento de compras e não possui fatura, apenas a função de uso se altera comparado ao cartão pré-pago débito.

Yes. We are emossires accredited by the ELO brand to issue prepaid cards in the credit function for individuals and companies. We issue White Label/Co-branded cards with BIN FitBank or BIN Sponsor.

The Pre-Paid card has the “buy now, pay now” concept, that is, you recharge and then use the value. The main difference between the Pre-Paid Debit and Pre-Paid Credit cards is the information on the function at the terminals (machine) when paying for a purchase, that is, at the time of payment, the card holder must inform that the card is debit or credit depending on the function the card has.

Note: the Prepaid credit card does not pay in installments for purchases and does not have an invoice, only the function of use changes compared to the prepaid debit card.

– Build customer loyalty and increase recurrence;

– Increase your sales by selling financial products;

– Cost reduction for making payments to employees and suppliers;

– Diversify the portfolio of products and services including financial services to gain new customers and new revenue;

– Better understand the profile of its customers through the information collected by Bank as a Service.

Elo’s standards allow the partner’s logo to be a dominant feature on the face of the card. The cards also carry the Elo logo and must conform to certain design standards of the flag. The name of the Elo issuing institution may appear on the card.

The only visual difference of a BIN Sponsor card is the distinction of the first 6 digits, which are exclusive to the holder. In relation to the entire design of the Card, it will have the same specification of the rules of the flag with its issuer.

Eu posso ter um cartão pré-pago do FitBank?

Sim. O seu cartão deve ser solicitado a um dos nossos parceiros.

Yes. Your card must be requested from one of our partners.

FitBank performs the entire card issuance and processing process. We offer a platform for managing prepaid cards, branded under the Elo brand. The card issuance process depends on the customer’s specifications.

A White Label/Co-branded card is issued by a partner accredited to the brand (Elo), for issuing cards with partner companies in an appropriate manner. The parties work together to create a card program that is then marketed to the company’s customer base. A White Label/Co-branded card is a form of payment that offers added value to the partner’s customers.

BIN is the identification number made up of the first 6 digits of the card. These numbers identify the brand and card issuer for each transaction.

In the BIN FitBank model, the company will have its cards issued with the numbering already approved by FitBank along with the Elo brand, and will follow the commercial compliance and rules established by BIN FitBank.

In the BIN Sponsor model, the company will issue cards through FitBank with a unique BIN number for your project. This allows the company to create rules for the use of cards in its base, identify the recurrence of use by cardholders and, having a significant base of cards, migrate to a direct issue operation with the brand. This card issuance model has longer implementation costs and deadlines when compared to the BIN FitBank model.

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