_ Keep the funds of a trade safe until the conditions are met and all parties have satisfied transactions /
_ Keep the funds of a trade safe until the conditions are met and all parties have satisfied transactions /
FitBank’s Smart Escrow was created to provide greater security and transparency to any transaction where trust between the parties needs to be assured until the transactions are carried out in accordance with the terms of the contractual negotiation.
That’s why we call FitBank’s Smart Escrow Trust as a Service: through an intelligent custody contract, FitBank keeps funds safe and distributes payments, limiting litigation risks and increasing trust between all parties involved in the business.
It is the most suitable solution for transactions that involve risk and the distrust between the parties needs to be mitigated.
More tranquility
More trust
More transparency
_ Why choose FitBank´s Smart Escrow ? /

Adaptable to any rule and size of business.

Starting from R$199.00 per month!*

Online account opening with approval within 24 hours.

White Label:
Completely customizable
– your brand highlighted.

Reconciliation of multiple accounts and transaction traceability.

Greater visibility of all operations performed. You are in control of your money.

Full domain of the cash flow:
Total control over the balance consigned to the Escrow account, reducing transaction risks

Automatic reconciliation of all receivables:
Reduction of billing and
reconciliation routines to the operation of
a single file.

Payment split:
Payment flow automation of the parties involved in the transaction.
*monthly amounts for maintenance by open account. Contact us for more pricing and solution information.
_ Hire the solution now
FitBank Trust as a Service
Fill out the form on the side and one of our specialists will contact you.